Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Cool season vegetables

Starting cool month vegetable crops at 7000 feet of elevation…

Broccoli can be planted between March and June. It requires approximately 4 months to begin harvesting. Harvest the main broccoli heads before they open or they will go to flower. This way the remaining broccoli will produce an extended crop of smaller heads through the rest of summer. The flowers are edible.

Brussels sprouts should be planted between May and June. Their maturity period is 4-5 months. So you’ll have a fall crop.

Kohlrabi and cauliflower can be planted between March and June. They mature in about 3 months.

Cabbages are rather unique in that there are different varieties, named according to when they are eaten (spring, summer or winter) so their planting dates range from March to September. We planted our cabbage, cauliflower, and broccoli, directly into the garden this March 2011. 

If needed, you can plant cabbages indoors in a coldframe, then transplant into your garden. They take about 4 months to mature and some cabbages can produce for 2 seasons.

Carrots can be planted whenever the ground thaws or in small containers. Seed directly into the garden between March and April. Plant a fall crop in August and September. If protected from extreme winters, you can harvest carrots during the winter and early spring.

Bush peas can be planted in March and April. They take 3 to 4 months to mature. Be sure to harvest them when the peas are young.

Lettuce and arugula can be grown almost year-round, depending on the variety. The easiest time to plant lettuce is in the spring in April. You can start planting lettuce in coldframes indoors between February to March before transplanting to your outdoor garden in spring. They mature in 30 to 60 days. Plant a fall crop in August and September.

Onions can be planted as the soil thaws. Plant seed, bulblets, or slips. Harvest to thin and for use at anytime. Red, yellow, and white varieties all perform well. The short day forms are recommended at this latitude for good bulbing sizes.

Spinach is extremely hardy and can be sown in coldframes at anytime. Sow in the garden in March-May and again in August-September for a healthy fall crop.

Collard greens are a wonderful crop for children to try as a learning experiment. Easy to grow, the seed can be sown in March-April, with a second crop in August-September. Greens are a healthy (high in a number of vitamins and minerals) southern U.S. traditional food. Harvest the tender leaves and season with pork or search for a vegetarian recipe.

Remember that different vegetables have different tolerance to heat; therefore you need to know the climate conditions in your own area well. Plant your vegetables according to when the temperature is most suitable.

If your crop is damaged…then plant again or re-sow seed.

Original source: Francis King (edited/revised by Greg Tickle)

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